Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life on other planets

There is no possibility of life on halley's comet. There is no liquid water, no oxygen atmosphere but it's tail has a magnetic field. Halley's comet nucleus is only made up of rocky and icy particles that contain ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane. I think there is no life on the comet because it doesn't have the elements requiered to have life.

As soon as Galileo first pointed at Mars and realized that is another planet, similar to Earth, people have wondered if there is life on Mars. Mars is one and a half times as far from the sun as we are. On 1677 an astronomer observed that there were markings that looked like channels where water would flow. I do not think there is life on Mars because its atmosphere is mosltly CO2 and some say the markings were windblown dust on the surface.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Distance of Haley's comet

We can measure space through many units. The are kilometers, Astronomical unit and light years. All of these units have many differences, each are used different depending on the distance of an object. Kilometers are used when an object is near earth, we can't use km when an object is too far. Astronomical unit is used by the distance from earth to the sun, it is about approximately 149,600,000 km away. AU is only used within the solar system. Finally there is the measure of light years, and it is used to measure far things in space, light years means the distance traveled by light in one year.

For October 26, 2008, Halley's comet was at 31.7 AU from earth. 31.7 AU is equivalent to 4.74 billion kilometers. It would take a really long time to get to halley's comet because it is really far from earth. I think humans will get there some day when they have good technology, halley's comet is outside the solar system and we don't have that kind of technology now.